This Proof Point is for products that have Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified packaging.

To verify your FSC Proof Point we need two pieces of information:
  • Your packaging supplier's FSC certificate number. This confirms that your supplier is certified by FSC and manufactures products with FSC certified materials.
  • We also require an email from your supplier with a list of packaging they provide you with. This establishes the link between you and your supplier.

What to submit as evidence

As evidence for this Proof Point, please submit a copy of your, or your suppliers, FSC Certificate. Along with this, please include confirmation from your supplier confirming which of your products have FSC packaging (i.e. email confirmation). This is for Chain of Custody checks, to ensure we are adhering to FSC logo licensing. 

The information submitted will not be shared publicly but used internally for integrity review.

Please note: the products listed within the certificate shouldn't be packaging products, but your brand's product names, so we can attribute the Proof Point accordingly.