What is the difference between Evidenced and Verified Proof Points?

Learn the difference between an Evidenced and Verified claim

Every Proof Point claim starts off as Evidenced - this means that a brand has provided its own evidence to support this claim. Evidenced Proof Points require evidence to be linked and therefore publicly available.‍ This Proof Point doesn't have a green tick but shows as a brand you can back up what you say:

A Proof Point is Verified when a third party confirms the claim is accurate. Provenance doesn't verify a claim ourselves; verifiers must have expertise in the relevant field. Verified Proof Points have a green tick to reflect the increased credibility of an independently validated claim. This type of Proof Point displays with a green tick:

Please note that for a Proof Point to be verified, Provenance needs to disclose the verifier.

Unsure if your claim should be Evidenced or Verified? Message us via chat and we can advise!