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How do I update a Proof Point once it is approved?

Here are the simple steps to update your Proof Point once it is live across your channels

If you need to update the evidence file linked to your live Proof Point, or amend the products associated, watch this 1-min video to learn how.

  1. Once logged into your Provenance account, click on the My Proof Points page.
  2. Expand the Proof Point submission that you want to update. From here, you can see the evidence and products currently associated with the Proof Point.
  3. Copy your Proof Point submission by clicking Copy Submission
  4. Update the evidence associated to the submission by clicking Edit in the Evidence section and uploading a new file. Visit the Evidencing Resources section here for specific evidence requirements.
  5. If required, update the products associated with the submission - click Edit in the Products section.
  6. Click Submit for Review to complete. Once approved, this new submission will automatically replace the previous one. 

Do you need any help with updating your Proof Point submission? Get in touch via the chat and we can help.