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Launch of Provenance's Sustainability Navigator

The Navigator tool is available to access on the platform. Its recommendation engine can be leveraged to identify the focus areas in order for you to stay competitive and compliant.



What next?

  • Head to the Navigator's Summary tab to check out your brand’s Proof Points today - can customers today see all of your products’ achievements, or is any new evidence needed to extend these claims?
  • In All Proof Points, explore which Proof Points have higher consumer interest, which have become table-stakes across the Beauty & Wellness sector, and which are helping brands stand out as sustainable leaders - look for the new filters and ‘insight’ tags
  • Bookmark Proof Points of interest to build out a Proof Point wishlist to review with your team, or with us - it’s never too late to discover any ‘quick wins’ during busy trading periods, or gather insight-informed opportunities for planning beyond!


Learn more about our new AI tool in our press release