What is the difference between the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)  and other science-based net zero targets?

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and other science-based net zero commitments align with climate science to limit global warming to 1.5°C. However, there are key differences.

SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI, and WWF, focusing on corporate emission reduction pathways. The initiative provides standardized, peer-reviewed methodologies and sector-specific guidance. Furthermore, SBTi targets are verified to ensure they meet strict criteria, enhancing credibility.

The ‘SBTi Approved Targets’ Proof Point is set up as a certificate in the Provenance Framework. This means the SBTi is responsible for holding companies to account, rather than Provenence.

Currently this is the only science-based target claim included in the Provenance Framework as target setting and future climate commitments are areas of corporate sustainability claims that have been susceptible to greenwashing in recent times. Most notably because future commitments to take climate action can easily be delayed unless an individual body is responsible for upholding them. The requirement to set near-term targets and that companies are delisted if they don’t meet them are key features of the SBTi approach and led us to add it to the Framework.

While science based targets set by other organisations may also be as valid, they are developed by various organizations with differing criteria and scopes and we cannot be certain companies are held accountable for near-term carbon reductions as verification processes differ; some may rely on self-reporting or less stringent reviews. We are currently unable to accept science based targets not set with SBTi as there is a risk they lack standardization and as rigorous of a review.

In summary, SBTi is distinguished by its standardized approach and independent verification system, whereas other science-based net zero targets can vary in methodology and verification process. If your company is not yet part of SBTi and has taken action to reduce or begin to reduce it’s emissions or the emissions associated with a product, we encourage you to review our other climate Proof Points such as Reduced Carbon Footprint, Carbon Measured or Carbon Offsetting. If you would like to flag a science-based targets setting body for us to review, please contact our community@provenance.org.