Gearing up for Earth Day 2023: Invest in our Planet

April 22nd marks the 53rd anniversary of Earth Day and this year’s theme is Invest in our Planet

“In 2023 we must come together again in partnership for the planet. Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution, and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest In Our Planet,” Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG.


To support Invest In Our Planet, we must empower shoppers to buy products which have a more positive impact. Based on the findings in Provenance’s most recent research report (Figure 3), nature and animal welfare and waste are the two most important environmental issues for beauty shoppers. These issues align with the Proof Points brands are using across their e-commerce channels. 

However, there is an evident shortfall in Proof Points used by brands to communicate about climate change impact which is increasingly gaining consumer attention.

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 12.57.19Ahead of Earth Day, ensure that your environmental claims are strongly communicated where it matters most. How? Here is our checklist: 

  1. Select the claims that align with your brand’s priorities in the Provenance Framework
  2. Review the evidence requirements across each Proof Point. Below are some helpful resources: 
    1. Requirements across the most popular Proof Points  
    2. Summary table of packaging Proof Points available
    3. Flowchart of the Climate Proof Points your brand could qualify for 
  3. Set up your Proof Points on the platform by following these steps 
  4. Add new products to your Proof Points with these steps
  5.  Track the status of your Proof Point submissions
    • N.B. the integrity review process takes between 5-7 working days once a Proof Point has been submitted  

What next?

Check out our marketing activation hub to help you communicate about your Proof Points to shoppers.